Luca izarin
Cosmic Lullabies translates the diminishing starlight and increasing light pollution into a meditative soundscape, transforming star data from different locations into soothing lullabies. Each note you hear represents a star visible to the naked eye from the locations Hong Kong, New York, Amsterdam and Cape Town. Sleep-disturbing light pollution becomes a sleep aid. The work aims to reintroduce contact with the starry sky through music, offering peace and tranquillity amidst the chaos and hustle and bustle of modern life.
Beyond the health issues like depression, cardiovascular diseases, stress, and mood swings, the loss of the starry sky is a cultural tragedy. For thousands of years, the night has been offering us moments of reflection, humility, and unity with nature and each other, crucial in our fast-paced, over-illuminated world. By experiencing Cosmic Lullabies you are also contributing to the preservation of our celestial heritage, translating the fading phenomenon into a lasting musical expression.
Luca Izarin is a curious creative who has explored different layers within society by having had many different jobs. He considers himself an optimistic thinker whose perspective is based on innovation, everyday stories, film and photography. With a predilection for outer space and science he gathers original, yet human insights that continue to inspire his practice.
Instagram: @lucaizarin
Aengus Havinga - Composer
Roman Willems - Technical developer
Saskia Nederlof - Voice over