Julie goslinga
Understanding Other(s) is a video-installation that invites the viewer to engage with the concept of ‘otherness’. Through an array of ‘Other’ characters, that are respectively monstrous, alien, deformed and modified, Julie touches on a personal and current topic: how we encounter the societal Other. Whether they express themselves through alternative sexual- and gender-identity, eccentric physical presentation, or unconventional presence, these Others point out what a societal norm might be, and inherently challenge it.
Julie’s work is deeply rooted in the exploration of what it means to be “Othered", which she approaches from a queer perspective. Pondering on how to encounter and understand Other(s) ethically, she explores obscure inner landscapes and strange encounters. These writings then usually find visualisation in digital realms. An important and critical element of her work touches on the implications of prejudice as a tool for artists and how to position art in the political versus personal.
Instagram: @julie_goslinga
Composition: Mateusz Godlewski
Vocals: Sharif Orfandou