jeroen alexander meijer

What do you observe when your mind moves in synchrony with the oscillating rhythm of light and sound?

Jeroen Alexander presents a light and sound pendulum that emerged from his explorations into how sensory stimuli can shift our attention from side to side — a process also known as bilateral attention stimuli. During his artistic experiments, participants showed an enhanced ability to access and process specific memories from the past, a phenomenon resonant with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. In an effort to isolate and deepen the understanding of this bilateral attention mechanism, he designed this pendulum to guide the audience’s focus from one side to the other, aiming to induce a trance-like state with potential reprocessing effects. 

Jeroen Alexander Meijer is an interdisciplinary artist exploring the intersection of psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science to craft interactive, multisensory installations that reveal the mysteries of attention. His journey stems from personal experiences with attention deficit disorder (ADD) in today’s hyper-distracting world. Through Vipassana meditation, he rediscovered the subtle, transformative power of the mind, inspiring his mission to guide audiences into similar meditative states. By creating multi-sensory installations that turn attention inward, Meijer invites viewers to perceive their own perception, fostering a profound awareness of how our inner worlds directly shape our external realities. 

Instagram: @jronalxndrmjer

Commissioned by Conflux Festival
Mechanical Construction: Jeroen Alexander Meijer & Joris Strijbos
TouchDesigner: Jeroen Alexander Meijer & Marloes Teunissen
Sound Design: Jeroen Alexander Meijer & Marloes Teunissen