inez vierdag

(Un)Becoming Women is an installation that invites visitors to explore the hidden complexity of post-feminist culture: a culture intertwined with patriarchal expectations, social pressures and self-objectification. The installation consists of an octagonal maze of screens with a mirror effect where the reflection merges with the omnipresent gazes of others. You are both spectator and observed, and challenged to reflect on the questions; who are you, and who do you want to be? The mirror effect creates a disturbing illusion of depth and movement, and projected videos transform the installation into an immersive environment.

Inez Vierdag is an artist whose work delves into the intricate interplay between performative identity and everyday interactions in contemporary society. Through the lens of gender politics, phenomenology, and mental health studies, she explores how individuals navigate aspirations, power dynamics, and emotional well-being in their lived experiences.
